Padi programs are unpaid volunteer opportunities for students from universities around the world with companies and organizations in Indonesia.
Padi focuses on designing specialized experiences with professional teams working on small or big problems. Padi sees its purpose as a facilitator in the design and execution of customized internships that advance the goals of students, universities and host teams and organizations.Here is a snapshot of how it works:
​Students are encouraged to look at internship opportunities for posted internships. They can also look at past internships for ideas. All internships are unique and customized.
If you don't find anything on this website that matches your interest, please contact us and we will work together with you and partners on the ground for best options. ​
All Padi internships are unpaid. Students are responsible for covering travel expenses, including stay, meals and health insurance.
Padi can work with students, career centers or academic advisors toward designing an internship, field work or other "co-op" opportunities for academic credit.
Interns are required to pay a placement fee of US$500 when host organization and student reach final agreement.
Internships have SMART and adjustable goals and project mentors. Each internship ends with an exit presentation. More on that here.
Interns have continuous and ongoing support on the ground by the Padi team in Jakarta.
Interns can be teamed with local students in collaborative projects.
Interns can also be invited to participate in talks, presentations and workshops with Indonesian institutions and universities.
No prior knowledge of Indonesian language is required.
Organizations interested in a volunteer from a foreign university are encouraged to reach out and request an intern. Padi will work with the organization to identify a talented and committed student whose skills and interests match the needs of your team.
Organizations have the freedom to interview candidates, and select and co-design the goals and process of internship. Padi staff serves as a facilitator.
Organizations are requested to identify a project mentor. ​​
Host organizations do not pay interns a salary. ​
Organizations that offer some financial support in the form of housing support, small stipend, or meals have a higher chance of attracting a greater number interns.
The Padi team in Jakarta provides a continuous and ongoing support to the host organization to ensure effecting communication and a smooth and productive internship.
Padi charges host organization a placement fee of US$500.
Most padi interns are non-Indonesian speaking and come from top U.S. universities. If preferred, Padi can look for students with some Indonesian language skills or a background in South East Asian studies.